Այսօր 24.09.2024
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Status4ka.Ru - Հանրային առաջին ստատուսների կայք: Տեղեկացրեք ընկերներին կայքի մասին:
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Ընդհանուր ստատուսների քանակը` 12744
Ցույց է տրվում: 11201-11220
Էջեր « 1 2 ... 559 560 561 562 563 ... 637 638 »

    I hate life and life hates me !

    I welcome death.

    Breathless kisses , burning touches,soft-spoken words of love urgently spoken words of passion!

    Don’t be sad ,don’t be blue...Frankenstein was ugly too.

    Always imitate the behavior of the winners when you los!

    I see angles in the sky , I’ve seen snow falling in July.

    A friend in need i t’s a frienf indeed!

    Just say no to marriage !!!

    A faithful friend is hard to find;remember man and keep in mind...

    I first saw yo i was afraid to meet you when i first met you i was afraid to kiss you when i first kissed you i was afraid to love you but now that i love you im afraid to loose you

    -► PlayTheMoments ▌▌ PauseTheMemories ■ StopThePain ◄◄ RewindTheHappiness

    Break my Heart,Destroy my sou,l Leave me crying,I would still love you I wont expect you to Love me in return . . .

    The person who love u never makes u cry so only cry on the person who pay thier life to not see ur tears :)

    I look at my computer, no mail. I look at my phone, no ring. I look at my door, no knock. Every hour you don't send me an email, every minute you don't call me, every second you're not by my side, life becomes intolerabl life becomes unbearable, my life ends

    From Lover To Girl Lover: Proposing Love Dear Lover, As i am suffering from love, i am unable to eat,sleep and dont do any work for last 10 months and i had attached the love exp certificate too.so kindly request u to plz love me forever.

    I Have been thinking about you and me, If we were alone how it would be ...I would kiss u all over till Your feeling hot ...Then give You a sensation when I hit the spot !

    When love is your greatest weakness,you will be the strongest person in the world

    The dance floor can't handle my power (its mine)

    The "END" always indicates a new "BEGINNING"

    Girl:- I Like Someone. Boy:- Who? Girl:- Wait wait. I Love Someone. Boy:- Can You Tell Me? Girl:- Yeah, But Promise Me You Wont Laugh... Boy:- Okay. I Wont, Just Tell Me Girl:- It Starts With "Y" & Ends in "U". Boy:- I Like That Person To. (: ♥